ESG for the doValue Group

ESG for the doValue Group
ESG for the doValue Group

The doValue Group for several years has embarked on a path to include Sustainability in its business processes whose the direction is defined by the 17 SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals (sustainable development goals of the United Nations).

The attention of doValue on the ESG issues is reflected in a strategy which promotes financial inclusion and contributes to the sustainable development of the economic system.

The publication of the first Sustainability Plan of the Group confirms the commitment of doValue about ESG themes for the period 2021-2023.

The path to sustainable growth is confirmed also by the top ESG Ratings assigned by the leading international agencies.
The doValue ESG framework is currently rated by MSCI ESG Ratings (rated “AAA”), Sustainalytics (rated “medium risk”).

The results achieved by the Group together with its Stakeholders are annually represented in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statements of doValue Group, prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, Core option, provided by the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards defined in 2016 by the GRI - Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI Standards”), and follows the principles defined by the manual “GRI Standards: 101 Reporting Principles”, and in particular those of materiality, Stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context and completeness.

The results achieved together are summarized in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement 2022