doValue Greece Real Estate Services
receives ISO 9001 international certificates.

doValue Greece Real Estate Services receives ISO 9001 international certificates.
doValue Greece Real Estate Services receives ISO 9001 international certificates.

doValue Greece Real Estate Services, focusing on best practices and excellent and comprehensive customer support, received the ISO 9001 certification.


ISO 9001 is the most widespread and recognized international standard for quality management. The Standard reflects the requirements for the systematic control of a company's operations to ensure the satisfaction of customer needs and requirements.

In addition, customers and suppliers know that the Quality Management System adheres to the seven quality management principles on which ISO 9001 is based:

  1. Customer-centric management
  2. Management involvement and commitment
  3. Employee participation
  4. Standard procedures
  5. Continuous Improvement
  6. Decisions based on facts and statistics
  7. Relationship Management between all parties involved


doValue Greece Real Estate Services, receiving the above international certifications, continues with dedication to the quality of its services to create value for its customers through innovative strategies and high specialization.

SWISS CERT ISO9001 doValue Greece Real Estate ServicesEUROCERT ISO9001 doValue Greece Real Estate Services