Debt Payment Methods
To be consistent with your debt settlement, you need to ensure that you transfer the instalment amount into your debt account on time.
Check which bank the debt account is held at (Eurobank or National Bank of Greece) and use the payment methods offered.
If your debt has been transferred following securitisation, you will receive a letter informing you about the beneficiary of the claim and the payment methods.
If you do not have your account number at hand, click here to find the information you need.
Find the payment methods per Portfolio under Management
If your debt belongs to a Eurobank portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
ERB Recovery DAC
If your debt belongs to the ERB Recovery DAC portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
Cairo No. 2 Finance DAC
If your debt belongs to the Cairo No. 2 DAC portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
Cairo No.1 Finance DAC
If your debt belongs to the Cairo No. 1 DAC portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
Mexico Finance Designated Activity Company
If your debt belongs to the Mexico Finance Designated Activity Company portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
Intrum Hellas DAC
If your debt belongs to the Intrum Hellas DAC portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
Intrum Hellas DAC (πρώην Cairo 1/Cairo2)
If your debt belongs to the Intrum Hellas DAC (former Cairo 1/Cairo2) portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At Eurobank branches using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- At Eurobank Automatic Payment Systems (APS) using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
If you hold a Eurobank account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly to your loan account at a Eurobank branch or through the e-banking “doValue Payments” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automated Payment Systems (APS) with the “doValue Payments” transaction and using the Law 3869 account that has been given to you.
If your debt belongs to the Polis portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a Eurobank branch with the IBAN of your debt account.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- With mobile banking through the Eurobank Mobile App with the IBAN of your debt account.
- At a Eurobank ATM or Automatic Payment System (APS).
- Over the phone through Eurobank EuroPhone Banking with the IBAN of your debt account. You simply need an active Eurobank card and a EuroPhone Banking PIN.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automatic Payment Systems (APS), using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.
If your debt belongs to the GRAMILTON DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At Eurobank branches using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- At Eurobank Automatic Payment Systems (APS) using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
If you hold a Eurobank deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly to your loan account at a Eurobank branch or through the e-Banking "doValue Payments" transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automated Payments Systems (APS) with the "doValue Payments" transaction and using the dedicated Law 3869/2010 account that has been given to you.
If your debt belongs to FRONTIER ISSUER DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly into your loan account at a National Bank of Greece branch or through the e-banking “Frontier Payment” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the National Bank of Greece branch network, e-banking and ATMs using the dedicated account that has been given to you by doValue or the National Bank of Greece.
If you have set up a standing order for paying your Law 3869/2010 debt at the National Bank of Greece, the standing order remains in force.
If your debt belongs to FRONTIER ΙΙ ISSUER DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly into your loan account at a National Bank of Greece branch or through the e-banking “Frontier 2 Payment” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the National Bank of Greece branch network, e-banking and ATMs using the dedicated account that has been given to you by doValue or the National Bank of Greece.
If you have set up a standing order for paying your Law 3869/2010 debt at the National Bank of Greece, the standing order remains in force.
If your debt belongs to the CREDITABLE OPPORTUNITIES FUND SCA SICAV-RAIF portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly into your loan account at a National Bank of Greece branch or through the e-banking “Virgo Payment” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the National Bank of Greece branch network, e-banking and ATMs using the dedicated account that has been given to you by doValue or the National Bank of Greece.
If you have set up a standing order for paying your Law 3869/2010 debt at the National Bank of Greece, the standing order remains in force.
EAGLE Issuer Designated Activity Company
If your debt belongs to the EAGLE Issuer Designated Activity Company portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece, deposit account and have set up a standing order, this standing order remains in force.
XYQ Luxco S.à r.l
If your debt belongs to XYQ Luxco S.à r.l portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly into your loan account at a National Bank of Greece branch or through the e-banking “Gemini_B Payment” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the National Bank of Greece branch network, e-banking and ATMs
If you have set up a standing order for paying your Law 3869/2010 debt at the National Bank of Greece, the standing order remains in force.
Creditable Opportunities Fund SCA SICAV-RAIF (previous Cairo 1/Cairo 2)
If your debt belongs to the CREDITABLE OPPORTUNITIES FUND SCA SICAV-RAIF (previous Cairo 1/Cairo 2) portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At Eurobank branches using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- At Eurobank Automatic Payment Systems (APS) using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
If you hold a Eurobank deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly to your loan account at a Eurobank branch or through the e-banking "doValue Payments" transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automated Payment Systems (APS) with the "doValue Payments" transaction and using the Law 3869 account that has been given to you.
If your debt belongs to the portfolio CORINTH FINANCIAL INVESTOR DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At Eurobank branches using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- At Eurobank Automatic Payment Systems (APS) using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
If you hold a Eurobank deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly to your loan account at a Eurobank branch or through the e-banking "doValue Payments" transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the Eurobank branch network, e-Banking and Automated Payment Systems (APS) with the "doValue Payments" transaction and using the Law 3869 account that has been given to you.
If your debt belongs to BLUEBELL ISSUER DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY portfolio, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At a National Bank of Greece branch with your debt account number.
- Online through NBG Mobile Banking with your debt account number.
- At an NBG ATM with your debt account number.
If you hold a National Bank of Greece deposit account and have set up a standing order for the Agreement, this standing order remains in force and may be used for future instalment payments.
Important information: Note that if you pay the instalment amount in cash directly into your loan account at a National Bank of Greece branch or through the e-banking “Gemini_A Payment” transaction when there is no overdue debt, the amount will pay off the outstanding balance and not the next instalment that is not due yet.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you can pay through the National Bank of Greece branch network, e-banking and ATMs
If you have set up a standing order for paying your Law 3869/2010 debt at the National Bank of Greece, the standing order remains in force.
If your debt belongs to the portfolio LEON CAPITAL FINANCE DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY, you can pay in one of the following ways:
- At Eurobank branches using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
- Online through e-Banking. Log in with your credentials 24/7. You may get your Eurobank e-Banking credentials online, without going to a branch. You simply need an active Eurobank card and its PIN.
- At Eurobank Automatic Payment Systems (APS) using your linked deposit account and your debt account number.
If you have been included in Law 3869/2010, you may pay at any Eurobank branch, or through Eurobank e-banking and APS with the dedicated Law 3869 account that has been given to you.
You can also set up a standing order for payments to the dedicated account, to ensure the timely payment of your debts.