
GDPR 5th anniversary 2023
GDPR 5th anniversary 2023
GDPR 5th anniversary 2023
24 May 2023

Five years after the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we celebrate the implementation of this benchmark regulation, embedding privacy into our corporate mind-set and into our daily operations. We adopt the principles and standards of GDPR aiming to reinforce the trust of individuals into our processing of their personal data, operating with the principles of transparency, security and accountability.

At doValue we have to maintain a sustainable approach to data protection: we balance efficient data management with privacy protection to help generate social value for our Stakeholders.

At doValue, we apply the following principles for the protection of customers’, debtors’, personnel, and associates’ personal data:

  • We safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of the data during all processing operations we perform.
  • We process only strictly necessary data, related with the purpose initially collected, in a lawful and transparent manner. 
  • We ensure the accuracy and correctness of the personal data that we process.
  • We keep personal data in a form that permits the identification of the individual concerned.
  • We delete data as soon as they reach their lawful and necessary retention period, always in a secure way.
  • We transfer and share data only with authorized parties and 
  • We apply security measures to mitigate risks that may cause loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data.
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