We investigate all the reports submitted to us with no exception. We strive to respond immediately to your concerns with transparency and confidentiality.
Named or anonymous reporting
Submit a report to the competent bodies of doValue, with or without your name:
doValue Greece, Attention: Head of Regulatory Compliance
27 Kyprou and Archimidous Streets
18346 Moschato, Attica
Discreet investigation
Every report we receive, either named or anonymous, is assigned to dedicated officers of the Regulatory Compliance Unit:
- They examine all the information discreetly.
- They assess the information on the basis of policies in effect.
- They decide to take appropriate action whenever required.
- They immediately notify interested parties about decisions that concern them.
- They ensure proper compliance with decisions.
Confidentiality and privacy
We have processes in place to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the reports we receive. We systematically monitor their proper application.
The identity of anyone who discloses information they consider accurate and true is kept secret. We ensure full protection against retaliation.
However, malicious reports constitute unethical conduct and do not enjoy protection and confidentiality.