@xia Financial Literacy Program

Active participation in the @xia Financial Literacy Programme
Active participation in the @xia Financial Literacy Programme
Active participation in the @xia Financial Literacy Programme
01 November 2021

doValue Greece actively participates in the initiative of the Greek Credit Servicing Company Association (EEDADP) to develop the @xia (value) Financial Literacy Programme, in cooperation with the Financial Literacy Institute. 

The programme aims to spread financial knowledge among young students. 

The initiatives that will be developed by EEDADP on this issue include the operation of the new @xia digital educational platform. This platform is mainly addressed to 4th-6th grade students, aged 9-11, as well as their parents and teachers. It unfolds in 9 interactive sections, each covering a specific topic. The content has been prepared by the Institute's scientific group, headed by Professor of Finance at University of Piraeus (Department of Business Administration), Mr Nikolaos Filippas. 

doValue Greece organises webinars on the @xia programme and platform for its employees, in partnership with the Financial Literacy Institute.

At doValue we support initiatives that contribute to the creation of a new generation of financially responsible and informed citizens.


@xia Financial Literacy Program
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