Construction of Community
Health Clinic in Rovies,
Fully conscious of the serious threats that climate change poses to the planet, which is something Greece has been experiencing in the most dramatic manner, especially in summer due to the destructive fires, doValue Greece is on a constant quest for initiatives that mitigate such threats.
Centring our corporate activities on creating value for the community at large and focusing on the society, health, environment three-fold, we sprang into action immediately to help in managing the destructions caused in Mantoudi Lake, Agia Anna, Evoia, both by the fire and the recent floods.
Working closely with the Municipality and local bodies, which responded immediately, and after contacting the competent municipal technical services department, construction is already underway to repair and fully renovate the Community Health Clinic in Rovies. This building was affected both by the 2021 summer fires and the flooding in autumn. Apart from the reconstruction, the donation made by doValue Greece will also cover the Clinic’s new medical equipment, so that it may meet the needs of the 1,000 permanent residents of Rovies and the hundreds of visitors to the wider area. This is the area that recorded the most destructions in houses and infrastructure.
Our aim is to make an essential and effective contribution to the areas and people who have been stricken, and to meet needs that will make their everyday lives easier and help them get back on track, towards a sustainable future, filled with prospects.