The main duty of the Executive Committee is to design, develop and implement doValue’s strategy. It also recommends to the Board certain initiatives related to our company’s strategy.
The Executive Committee ensures that our company develops a clearly defined strategy, in accordance with the guidance of the Board and its approved business plan.
It reviews, assesses and decides on all major initiatives of doValue Greece. It ensures the proper maintenance of the appropriate internal audit systems.
The Executive Committee is made up of the following members:
- Chairman
- General Director of Retail Banking and Client Executive for Third-Party Portfolios
- General Director of Business and Corporate Banking and Client Executive for the ERB Portfolio
- General Director of Operations, Technology and Organisation
- Head of Transactions and Advisory Services, Head of Business and Corporate Banking I, and Client Executive for the Cairo I, II and III Portfolios
- Head of Northern Greece
- Head of Strategy, Policy, Analysis and Reporting
- Head of Real Estate Management
- Head of Transformation and Client Executive for the Pillar Portfolio
- Head of Financial Services and Reporting
- Head of Human Resources
- Head of Corporate Governance, Chairman’s Office and Strategy and Support of International Activities