Wellness & Well-being Month
The physical and mental well-being of all employees is one of our key priorities at doValue Greece. This November was the wellness and well-being month, dedicated to informing and raising awareness about major issues that concern everyone and improve the day-to-day life on a professional and personal level.
An extensive and diverse series of actions was prepared for all employees during the month, offering them the chance to gain insights and get practical tips for their day-to-day lives.
The wellness and well-being month was split into different actions. Specifically, employees had the chance to participate in:
Action 1: Informational Event on "Prevention and wellness: Adopting a healthier lifestyle at work and at home"

The event was part of the Palliative Medicine programme, ran by Aretaieio University Hospital and supported by doValue Greece. We welcomed two distinguished doctors at the event, Mr Nikos Vlachos, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Assisted Reproduction at the Athens University School of Medicine and Director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at Aretaieio Hospital, and Dr Kalliopi Kalaitzi, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist, Lifestyle Medicine and Culinary Coaching, Head of the Athens Euroclinic Lifestyle Clinic and Academic Fellow of the 1st Preparatory Internal Medicine Department at Attikon Hospital, Athens School of Medicine.
The event was split into two key topics:
- The importance of prevention in reproduction for a couple
- Lifestyle in health and sickness
Action 2: "Keep Calm, Stress Less"

The second action for the month was an interactive talk on “Keep Calm, Stress Less” as part of our existing partnership with HELLAS EAP. The people of doValue Greece had the chance to learn about the difference between anxiety and stress, but also understand how these feelings have a significant impact on their health. They were also given brief techniques and tips they put into action on the spot to help them remain calm daily using easy and smart ways.
Action 3: "Healthy Eating Habits"

A talk on “Healthy Eating Habits” was given in the context of the action, in partnership with Holmes Place Greece. Employees had the chance to listen to useful tips on how to improve their eating habits from nutritionist Mr Michalis Tzoulis, but also talk with him about the myths and truths surrounding daily nutrition and exercise. In addition, chef Ms Vagia Samolada prepared granola bars, as well as healthy and tasty smoothies, which were shared among the attendees. The people of doValue Greece were also given the opportunity to participate in an interactive quiz, with the winner receiving a free one-month subscription to Holmes Place, while the two runners-up got a booklet each with 12 healthy recipes.
Action 4: "Musculoskeletal / Vision Testing"

Healthcare professionals from GEP offered to the doValue Greece employees the chance to undergo a short vision and musculoskeletal test.
Action 5: "Blood Drive"

As is the case every year, the second scheduled Blood Drive for 2023 was completed successfully. The blood donation was performed at a specially set-up area at the doValue offices, supported by Amalia Fleming Hospital. A total of 100 units were collected to replenish the doValue Greece Blood Bank.
Action 6: "Financial Well-being & Peace of Mind"

The invited guest for the seminar was Mr. Nikolaos D. Philippas, Professor of Finance at the University of Piraeus, and Chairman and Founder of the Hellenic Financial Literacy Institute. Mr Philippas presented original concepts, along with the latest data and sound arguments about how employees can best manage their finances. Effective money management aims to minimise financial stress, leading to well-being and peace of mind in day-to-day life.
The physical and mental well-being of all employees is one of the
key priorities at doValue Greece.